Jugaad’ is directed by Anand Kumar and stars Manoj Bajpai, Hrishitaa Bhatt, Vijay Raz, Sanjay Mishra, and Govind Namdeo. The film, which was shot mostly in Delhi and Gurgaon with a few locations in Mumbai, is a comedy with a heartfelt touch to it.
‘Jugaad’ is based on the real life story of Sandiip Kapur (Manoj Bajpai), who was the CEO of a successful advertising agency. The film revolves around the ceiling act imposed by the Delhi Government last year. Sandiip finds his previously successful advertising company literally out on the streets once its office has been ceiled by the MCD in Delhi.
Sandiip is forced to resort to all types of juggad in order to just keep his company afloat. Juggad is the slang word for all kinds of ethical machinations. This is how he comes across the character played by Sanjay Mishra.
Sanjay Mishra’s character does all kinds of juggad to help him find solutions for his problem. Sandiip used his best connections to try to get some help from officials. However, he is unsuccessful in any of his attempts. Sandiip is left on the road by himself with the rest of his team.
Sandiip comes across various characters during his journey, including property dealers, power brokers, people who are supposedly ‘connected’ with politicians, and senior officers. The film follows Sandiip’s struggles to re-establish his company from the ground up while defining the term ‘juggad.’
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