The first look of the movie Accident on Hillroad was recently unveiled at a Lounge in Mumbai where present were the whole cast of the film Celinaa Jaitely, Farooque Sheikh, Abhimanyu Singh. The actress, looking gorgeous in a black saree, revealed this was for the first time in six years of her career that she had allowed her lon
g lustrous hair to be trimmed.
Celinaa said, "I have totally different look in the film." The statement could have been construed as a typical cliched quote given by a star to
hype her film. But it is only when you take a closer look that you
realise that it is indeed Celinaa in the poster. The short hair look
for this Nari Hira venture was created by Hakim Aalim.
Accident on Hill Road also stars Farooque Sheikh. It is after a long
gap that the senior actor will be seen on screen. And actor Abhimanyu Singh who made his marks with his outstanding performance in Gulal. Accident on Hill Road marks the debut of Mahesh Nair as a director.
Accident on Hill Road is a psychological thriller based on a real life story.
Sonam Chopra (Celina Jaitley) is a nurse who works hard and parties harder.
One day, while driving her car, Chopra rams into Prakash Shrivastava (Farooq Shaikh). She panicks, and with Shrivastava still stuck in the car windshield, she drives home to her garage.
She and her boyfriend Sid (Abhimanyu Shekhar Singh) decide not to report this to the cops or get any help for the victim.
Can Shrivastava convince Chopra to save him or will he die a bloody death in her garage?
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