"8X10 Tasveer" stars Akshay Kumar as Jai, a man with a special ability. Straying away from the Bollywood comic norm, "8X10" is a supernatural thriller with Akshay Kumar starring as a man who can go back into the past of the deceased by touching one of their objects.
Akshay Kumar’s friends are skeptical at his supposed power and his father, Jatin, feel like he should be managing the family business rather than focusing on his "so called" power. The constant struggle between Jai and his father has destroyed their relationship. Jai’s mother can’t stand being apart from her son so she goes behind Jatin’s back to see him.
When Jatin is killed in a mysterious accident, Akshay Kumar holds on to a photograph and delves into his father’s past. While Jai tries to unravel his father’s death we’re taken on a nail biting rollercoaster. We are able to see the motive behind every decision in the Bollywood thriller.
Along with Akshay Kumar, the film stars Ayesha Takia who plays his wife Sheela, the love of his
life. Sharmila Tagore, and Javed Jaffery. A.R. Rahman follows up his Oscar award winning soundtrack for "Slumdog Millionaire" by working on the 8X10 soundtrack. Also featured on the soundtrack is Bohemia, a US-based desi rapper.
Nagesh Kukunoor (previous films include "Bollywood Calling" and "Iqbal"); director of the film set the filmed in Calgary, Canada. Fans of Akshay Kumar will be surprised by the role as Kumar is taking on a different type of role, one with sci-fi/thriller elements. According to Kumar, "Nagesh’s film is definitely a change from what I am used to doing. But after that, I’m going back to action and then comedy. " When asked what type of film he enjoys doing the most he says, "Each has its own fun and challenges. Action’s my all time favorite though."
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